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Ql Server Management Studio For Mac

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by cratitspecim1978 2021. 6. 6. 06:12


I am on Windows so SQL server management studio works fine for me. However, my application is hosted and my client needs to make some entries in DB and he has Mac. SQL Server Management Studio currently runs only on Windows machines, so if you need to work with your SQL Server databases on a machine running macOS, you will want to look for a data client that: 1.

At Parallels, we love sharing our customers’ success stories! Recently, Tim Goldstein, a leading business intelligence analyst, database architect, and senior developer specializing in the Microsoft SQL server tool set, implemented a more agile development process with Parallels Desktop for Mac. Goldstein’s new process has been a great success and proven Parallels Desktop to be a developer’s “Swiss Army Knife” of productivity! Below are a few quotes from Goldstein himself regarding how Parallels Desktop has helped him stay ahead of the competitive landscape in his personal business:

“Parallels allows me to run a full development environment on Windows, including SQL Server, Analysis Services Server, Visual Studio, and SQL Management console simultaneously with El Capitan. I am running this on an 11-inch MacBook Air with 8 GB of RAM and a two-core i7 processor.”


Not only is the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio a crucial weapon in a developer’s tool kit but Goldstein leverages success by additionally using Microsoft Visual Studio, CorelDRAW, and Notepad++.

Sql Server 2017 On Mac

Above: “Windows 10 running Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Management Studio (SSMS), SQL Data Tools (a.k.a. Visual Studio) with an SSIS package, and working on an infographic for my speaking/training topic of “Engaging Technical Workers, Getting Business and Technical Staff Communicating” in CorelDRAW.”

Ssms alternative for mac

Goldstein has additionally leveraged Parallels Desktop to save money for his business. He’s achieved this by not having to own multiple computers to complete his work as a senior developer. Thanks to his love of technology and the people who have helped him have such a great IT career, Goldstein, a Certified High Performance Coach, is simultaneously speaking, training, and mentoring executives on how to understand the mind of the technical worker. He can help you reach your next level just like Parallels Desktop has helped him reach his! In his own words:

“For my personal business in training executives to understand their technical workforce and training geeks to better handle the soft side of interviews, I work entirely on a Mac. Parallels has been a wonderful solution and a much easier company culture to deal with than competitors.”

Connect with Tim Goldstein via LinkedIn here, or check out his personal website here.

Sql On Mac

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Active5 years, 7 months ago

I am on Windows so SQL server management studio works fine for me. However, my application is hosted and my client needs to make some entries in DB and he has Mac. How can we get over this issue? Is there any MAC option for SSMS?


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closed as off-topic by Kermit, billinkc, Aaron Bertrand, animusonJan 28 '14 at 0:23

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  • 'Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.' – Kermit, billinkc, Aaron Bertrand, animuson
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2 Answers

DbVisualizer is OS independent using java.

Sql Server Management Studio Alternative For Mac

Osa EOsa E

I use RazorSQL. It works on OS X, Windows and Linux so you can use one tool across all platforms, if you like.

Chris JChris J

Sql Server Management Studio 2008 For Mac

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